Sunday, February 28, 2021

A wise cat once meowed

My mother told me
Someday I would rule
With love and mercy
Cunning but not cruel

Sitting on someplace high
Wise maxims I meow
Steady course to the haven
Worshiped by all men



When I hold the floor with my back, I see a chair sitting on my human. 


But a scar on your handsome face could be bad for your charisma of which you gonna need every bit since you are trying to ask your neighbor cat out before you visit the vet.


There are things looking pertinent but actually irrelevant. The smashed mug and me who was sitting nearby might look pertinent but actually were irrelevant.


Can't believe you tried to invade my internet social life. You devious nosy tailless can opener poop scoop holder, my kind of nosy though, way out of your league though~


I have a PhD in Tree-climbing-ology, I can't wait for Christmas.


Oh my, this sofa is so enticing. The smell, the shape, the color, and even the magnetic field are perfect. I am charmed. When I feel it with my paws, oh my, the feeling is absolutely compelling I must say. I gonna sharpen my claws with it.

Hold my tuna, I gonna slap that human and run.

"Bond, James Bond."
"Butt, Fluffy Butt."
"All Bond girls got their legs waxed."
"All Butt girls got their leg hair combed."
"All Bond girls are bilinguists."
"All Butt girls can speak tail language."
“All Bond girls can drive car and helicopter."
"All Butt girls can climb tree and refrigerator."
"All Bond girls are capable of winter swimming."
"No bath! No swimming!" (hyperspace jumps in panic)

I slap people and run, I bump people and run, I jump on people and run, I hug people and run. I do such things a lot. I guess it is why the vacuum is roaring at me. Oh my, it is roaring like a boar. What, are those two-legged your children or something? I think I should lay low for a while, an angry boar is after me. Tuck tail~ Hide~

Toilet paper needs to be destroyed. Don't you see, it is bad for humans' flexibility.

Do you know the Egyptian cat goddess Bastet was equated with Greek goddess Artemis in the Ptolemaic Dynasty that lasted almost 300 years? Do you know who scratched Athena's aegis during those years?

Desultory shopping. That is how a human is pampered.

Naps, sweet naps are urgent, chores could always be postponed.

I love you, I dust pie for you, I'll do anything for you~

"Lord cat, I offer my service. I will brush your neck and back and keep your counsel and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the tuna cans and the boxes."
"And I vow that you shall always have a place beneath my paws, and healing purrs from my chest and warmth from my belly. And I pledge to fend off all mice, little bugs and all kinds of puny little demons. Not the big ones. I swear it by the tuna cans and the boxes."
(Game of the Thrones parody)

A box only limits humans' thoughts, a fence only limits sheep's journey, not yours, cause by Odin's whiskers, you're a Norwegian forest cat who purrs on valkyries' thighs~

Oh the nine Muses, please listen to my prayers: arouse me from torpidity, animate my thoughts and impart me inspirations, so that I can always find a new way to be naughty.

To pay homage to Saint Valentine, all routine fights shall be suspended for one day.

The way to the bathroom is a treacherous journey. It is what I sharpen my claws for practice my fencing for study strategies for. Are you ready, human? Courage is our creed.

To pay homage to Saint Valentine, I wrote my eviction letter in rhyme and decorated it with hearts.

How about let this chair be physically mine, spiritually yours?

I believe the ocean is soup. It's salted, it has fish in it and it's heated by lava. If I could put some pepper in it.

No need to be mad. Think of that, don't you poop in doggies' drinking fountains every day?

Are humans capable of conspiracy? Not possible, they aren't that intelligent, they can't even meow properly.

Meow it in perfect Meowglish. No grammatical mistakes, no mispronunciations.

Stepped into a canine cafeteria, look, they serve amazing afternoon tea in bizarre fine china.
To learn to speak perfect Meowglish is always an arduous task which may need not only talents, perseverance but also a fluffy feline teacher who is patient enough to tolerate your astonishing "one meow with ten errors".

"All you two-legged perceive are imperfect 'reflections' of the ultimate Forms."

Hold my human, I gotta push that drink off the table.

A dwarf once told me that lying in front of fire, having a warm dreamless profound sleep and making thunderous snores which vibrate Yggdrasil would be sheer bliss.

Once upon a time, a young lad, a nice fellow, was bitten by a werewolf, every full moon night, his cat got a little bit spooked, hence tried to hide from the young lad.
"Why? Did you just stop loving me because of my temporary canine outside? Deep inside, I'm still a two-legged feline! Woof~~ Woof~~" the young lad cried.

If you eat a tuna can faster than the speed of light, then you'll travel back through time and return to the moment when the tuna can is just served.

The one who receives apologies is usually considered as the authoritative one; the one who gives apologies is usually considered as the timid one who did something wrong. However, I've done glorious deeds, I've conquered Mount Refrigerator, I've defeated the red dot and forced it to flee. A heroic feline like me who gives apologies shall not be considered as a timid feline who did something wrong, but shall be considered as a heroic feline who is blessed with merits and broad bosom. Meow~ I pushed your mug off the table. I'm sorry.

Students shuddered at the very thought that getting failed in Meowglish class for their one pspsps with 10 grammatical mistakes and 20 wrong tongue positions.

The moment you pee/poop is the moment your pants are half down, that means you're vulnerable, even Hercules couldn't win his fight when his pants were half down, that is why you need good paws armed with sharpened claws to guard your 6 o'clock at that very moment. Now, open that damn toilet door, let me in, you need my protection.

"By order of Zeus, the champion shall be crowned with an olive wreath and enjoy not only a true Greek champion's privileges and also the feline only prerogatives such as purring and napping on Athena's thighs~"

"My heart is like a lake."
"Peaceful and mysterious."
"No no~ I mean my heart is like a lake, always has room for extra fish. Burp~"

Shame! That human was not holding a bowl of hot soup~

A human understands me. Could mankind be an intelligent species or is there just one extraordinarily gifted exception? I must investigate and write a book about this bizarre phenomenon.

"You know, someone is just pawsome by birth."
"Are you talking about aristocracy?"
"No, I was just licking my paws."
"Oh I see. I guess I am just handsome by birth."

Studies show that humans guess cats' commands and follow them devotedly. Since they pay more and more attention on their Meowglish class, one day in the future, they might finally guess the commands right.

Your valor shall prevail, and your foe, the red dot, shall not win.You shall chase after the fleeing one from the sofa to the carpet, from the living room to the bedroom, like Caesar chasing Pompeius.(The prophecy)

Hercules' 12 labors
Labor 1: Teach the human some Meowglish
Labor 2: Ambush the human
Labor 3: Lick the mug
Labor 4: Chase the red dot
Labor 5: Climb Mount Refrigerator
Labor 6: Bring the human a prey you got in the yard
Labor 7: Leak some confidential information about your human to the neighbor cat, I mean gossip your human with other cats
Labor 8: Sit on your human's pillow and try to be gassy
Labor 9: Push something off some surface
Labor 10: Kill some toilet paper
Labor 11: Sing on the roof
Labor 12: Eat up one whole tuna can

My mighty purring vibrates and heals Yggdrasil and the nine realms.

Yes, we are defined by our species, races, nations, religions, but we also have our free will. I choose to use my free will, to be myself, to listen to my conscience. Meow~

Panic spread when the paws were wet.
"Humans betrayed us, they are on the side of tunas!"
"We are in a trap! Tunas gonna get us!"
"What? You want to give us a bath? Is it what tunas want?"
"Humans are with tunas!"


In case you guys are wondering how can I sharpen my claws on Athena's aegis without being petrified by Medusa's gaze, I tell ya, I simply scratch on the other side of the aegis. Meow~

"Your human is kissing you."
"I know."
"Shouldn't you kiss back?"
"A wise celebrity always tolerates but never encourages crazy fans."


You know, "kiss my ass" is not an offensive expression when it comes from a cat who literally bends down to kiss its own fluffy ass multi-times every day. Please consider this expression as a felines' privilege.


Those bite marks and scratches adorn this sofa like tears of a mermaid shimmering on a lady's elegant neck. 

There is a reason that climb rhymes with rhyme and curtain rhymes with fountain (in American accent).

Water flows out from Muse's fountains
Light shines on humans' curtains
Towards the light cats climb
Sipping the water bards sing in rhyme


Destroy all toilet paper, make humans bendy again.


I wouldn't want my hair all over the crime scene, hence I don't do no crime in spring. 

Extroverts meow to me, introverts stare at me. They can't get enough of me.


Every time a bee bends down to wipe its ass could be a near death experience. 

I composed a lot of poems about my secret crush and carved them on a sofa. 


If there is something I would like to know absolutely nothing about, then it is swimming-ology. 

My tenants and vassals, my doggies and humans, ask not what your fluffy feudal lord can do for you, ask what you can do for your fluffy feudal lord.


Yes, you have a photo showing me sitting in the vandalism scene. Sitting in a vandalism scene doesn't mean I vandalized anything. I have solid biological evidence to prove I am a cat not a vandal. 

Those potatoes in my litter box vary in shape but consistent in pungency, just like accents which vary in pronunciation but consistent in meaning. 

"But your hair was all over the crime scene and the victim's remains."
"I was flagrantly framed." (Shocked and hurt)
"We are all convinced by your innocent look. Your facial expression acquitted yourself well." 


My neighbor cat Tom, the champion of my neighborhood, the wise merciful ruler of my little town, a fluffy philosopher king in cat shape, once told me that since he took a ride on a flying saucer and stared into the galaxy and those glorious realms with his own fluffy mortal eyes, nothing and no mortal on this blue planet can disturb his fluffy peaceful heart. He yawns and forgives all silly mortals on this blue planet. When he's not yawning, he concentrates on what his fluffy heart loves, such as napping, pushing things off the table and so on.


Before taking the rhetoric class, I wrote my journal like this: "Once again, the cunning red dot escaped my paws."
After taking the rhetoric class, I write my journal like this: "Once again, I cornered the cunning red dot and it yielded and cried for mercy. I let it go, because a wise king rules not only by claws and also by love and mercy. Meow meow meow~"


Even though me the head of this family is amenable to suggestions, my humans and doggies just can't meow a grammatical suggestion which I can understand. How could I know they wished the mug a long life?

"Work for food? Since when do you take commands?"
"Some jobs don't take but issue commands, such as a CEO or a matriarch/patriarch."

Good morning everyone, humans, doggies, aaannd yyyooouu vaaaaacuummmm~ the roaring beast, the unspeakable ineffable dire one.

The remote is actually a scepter, which whoever holds can command a group of royal guards who are called appliances by humans. Matriarch holds it. The toilet seats are actually stargates, which are misused by humans with an evil intention that to dump their poop into a galaxy far far away.

Someone please shrink-ray me. The tuna can is too tiny.

When Pharaoh's final wish was to be buried with his cat.

In parallel universe one
"How many people know this final wish?"
"Only me."
"Guards, seize this man and throw him into the lions' cage immediately."
(a lot of noise)
The royal nap was shortly disturbed and then resumed.

In parallel universe two
"Run, my love, run, run to the dock, there is a ship waiting for you, it's ready to sail to Athens. I'll cover your retreat. Please remember me. And take Greek for Dummies with you, don't forget to correct those Athenians' grammar for me."

In parallel universe three
(several thousand years later)
"Hey, kitty, guess what those British archaeologists found in a pyramid?"
"One of your ancestors? Yawn~"
"Yeah, and one of yours too."

I suggest sing this song on the roof at 2 am. Impress all gals in your neighborhood.

My heart is depressed by the rain
I disdain all wet meadow and floor
There is nothing can console me
Even those cute boxes near the door

Soft paws, smooth paws
From my ears to my jaw
Gentle paws, warm paws
Nose, eyes and all
--Face Washing Shanty(Rodent Version)

Soft paw, smooth paw
From my ear to my jaw
Gentle paw, warm paw
Nose, eye and all
Change paw
Soft paw, smooth paw
From my ear to my jaw
Gentle paw, warm paw
Nose, eye and all
--Face Washing Shanty(Feline Version)
"All mammals are created cute, but felines are created cuter." (Animal Farm parody "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." ― George Orwell, Animal Farm) 

A level 1 fireball is cast indoor...
All npcs survive.
All toilet paper is burnt down.
No ass wiper any more. Humans', dwarves', elves' and orcs' flexibility is going to be improved greatly.
There is a grief can't be spoken
Because my two-legged named me Mittens
There is a shame goes on and on
That's why I'm sitting on the roof and singing this song~ 

Hey yo, Leonardo the Talented, do you want to see how Monalisa the Silly Smiling Two-legged cries? Tell-ya, if I push her favorite 200 years old vase off the shelf, she'll surely cry.
When Willy the Pawsome was stretching and rolling on the carpet, suddenly, Willy the Pawsome recalled a crime she committed last week. Oh, meow~ Shouldn't we be laying low? Willy the Pawsome Willy the Prudent Willy the Wise disappeared in the wind. 

“This is Boromir, son of the Steward of Gondor. What if I promise you a lifetime buffet in exchange of the ring? After all, it is our blood, Gondor's blood which defends this world."
"This is Sauron, the flame eye of Mordor. What if I promise you a buffet for eternity in exchange of the ring?"
"This is Gandalf the Grey. Be advised. If you give the ring to Gondor, Gondor will be betrayed by the ring, hence, Gondor will fall. no buffet at all. If you give the ring to Sauron, the world will fall, and you will be betrayed by Sauron the deceiver. A vegan buffet for eternity you will enjoy."
"How about we give the ring to you, Gandalf the Grey?"
"Nooooo~ I'm too old for this! Nope nope nope. This is way above my pay grade!"
"How about we give the ring to you, Lady Galadriel?"
"Yes, all shall love me and fear me. Oh my! It's kinky. Nope, Nope, nope!"
"Shit! No second breakfast. no elevenses then." (depressed faces)
Silently, we sit there waiting for treats
The sleeping one isn't dead, cause her heart beats
The waiting is long, we have to endure
The promised morning is coming for sure 

A wise cat met a wise dog. They decided to exchange their skills. The wise cat tried to teach the wise dog tree-climbing-ology, guess what, even the teacher and the student worked hard, all efforts were in vain. "Unteachable!" the exhausted wise cat meowed. The wise dog tried to teach the wise cat swimming-ology, guess what, the wise cat not only skipped all the classes and also left the country.
"Next year, I shall defeat the red dot and force it to flee again, again, again and again; I shall find the anti-gravity mug; I shall destroy all remaining toilet paper to make mankind bendy again; I shall try to seduce Cleopatra, oh, and I shall nap more. Yawn~" 
"Next year you'll be rich."
"How rich?"
"Like digging up pirate treasure everyday rich. Filthy rich." 

In my dream I climbed Mount Everest and my two-legged bard was singing:
"If you climb high beyond this land
You will find it as small as sand
May the divine save this brave cat
If meant to fall, fall onto a gym mat" 

Poor humans, you have no tails to chase when you're bored and lonely.

If one's not sleeping, if one's hearing is keen
One will hear a song asking what does love mean
I'm blessed with keen hearing. I love to hear you clearly, so that I can ignore you by my free will and with great pleasure. 

So the life has killed the dream you dreamed. Amusing. Would you mind telling me more?

My witty sarcasm develops my human's abs.
A gentleman should always fake a dramatic death when got shot by kids' toy guns and fake a dramatic panic when got ambushed by me. 

Tuna for me, mice for you in case I accidentally catch some.


I once stared at a bird on the tree and the bird chanted: "Doo doo doo, radar locked on."


A gentleman should always reply tail greetings with tail greetings, unless you were not blessed with a tail. 


My human breaths so loudly that a squirrel can throw pine cones at him in the dark.

I'm nonchalant, curiosity kills.

Can you read a poem in tail language? I guess you can't. Oh yeah~ And that was how C3PO was bullied by a cat.

Some cats slap humans for fun, not me, I'm polite and well cultivated.

I shall be gassy in a place called Sheldon's Spot where gentle breezes caress. "Vent my personal fragrance in a divine grace." 


I'm not your cat. I'm the cat who tolerates you and also the cat you sworn to serve. 

Vulgarness is for plebeians, they bark. Subtle sarcasm is for patricians, we meow sarcastically.  

Gals would land on their boobs, lads would land on their teeth, If I tripped them.

A polite cat always gives a witty reply, even being occupied. For example, "I am busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?" 

When you're well pot-trained, it is not easy to dig a hole and poop behind a tree in a park during a cat rave party.

Yes, I know, if we keep pushing mugs off the table, eventually we'll find the anti-gravity mug. But couldn't mugs jump off the table automatically? Why did I have to sacrifice my napping time to push them? 


In case you don't know, I'm a serial killer who wiped out a whole rat gang single-pawedly, in a most brutal way, swords only, no guns.
Open me a tuna can, I'll spare your life.

When my human sits on the white throne, a sinister omen haunts the bathroom.


While Atlas is holding the sky on his shoulders, I'm holding Earth with my back. 

I had a nightmare in which I opened a refrigerator with no tuna in it, only fruits and vegetables. 

Hey, can opener, stop shaving your whiskers, you could bump into an address pillar without those whiskers.


Stop using toilet paper, do your daily Yoga. 

I saw you steal my poop with a scooper. Thievery is a noble crime and poop stealing is still thievery, not menial at all. Bravo. You're a villain aren't you?

My dear butler

You know, I'm a cat who doesn't hunt in team, which means you can't be my lieutenant, cause I don't need one. Oh, a good news, I dumped two dead sparrows on your carpet, dispose the corpses with discretion, leave no loose ends, if you do so, then you'll officially be my accomplice, a villain's accomplice, which is a great honor that would make your ancestors so proud.

Yours sincerely
The Meowing Villain, Son of Tom, Master of Sneaking Around
Date doesn't mean anything for a big fan of napping, OK, I'm kidding, Monday


All humans are ugly, but some are ugly in a cute way. 

What crime have you committed, human? Why did the divine sentence you to have a bath everyday?


One meow with only 20 grammatical mistakes, I think this human might be tutorable. 

When my human tripped herself and landed on her boobs, I sat there licking my paws equanimously.


All the mugs, all the mugs
Are desiring a push from my paw
But my naps, but my naps
Are urgent which is also a law 

Someone greeted a cat: "Hello, kitty kitty, meow meow."
The cat was astonished:" Oh my! English and Meowglish! You're a bilinguist, aren't you?"

A bilinguish two-legged is always a good choice, because a bilinguish two-legged can read The Art of War in Meowglish for me.

A true gentlemeow should learn to appreciate the art of poetry
And carve elegant lines on the sofa and the tree

There are portals in your bathroom linking to some other world and you went there without me? 

"My bed."
"Actually, it's our bed."
"No, my bed that I mercifully generously share with you."
"How about spiritually your bed yours solely, physically our bed?"


A prudent feline should always think thoroughly before carrying out a crime.


Have you ever butt-warmed or tail-dusted pizza for your human? 

A flying witch can't be detected or locked on by radar as long as she left all metal things such as keys, coins and steel wire supported bra at home, but might be detected or locked on by an infrared optical system if she's hot.


When a tourist tried to shoot me with a cannon like camera, I sat there with ultimate sangfroid. 

Katsumoto: "You believe a cat can change his destiny?"
A wise cat: "I think a cat naps whenever and wherever he would like, until his destiny is revealed."


"When I heard the sound of can-opening, I sat there calmly, in a very chill way. " A wise cat once lied to a doggy. 


Since the era before the Flood, we have been trying to teach humans "meow". One word, only one word! Still can't meow properly. Tutoring is something even more than lifetime commitment. 


Curiosity kills, I caught it from my human.  

If Sunday is here, then Monday can't be far away. You know that, good.

I trust Greeks, Greek Tragedy never let me down. 

Read my tail.

My fart kills.

One meow to answer them all, one meow to retort them all, one meow to convince them all. 


You shouldn't simply walk into the bathroom. You need a chaperone.

When you have been climbing a refrigerator for months, bang, your human got a tree! 

Hey, human, you're not an arboreal creature, Why you need a tree? So is this tree for me? For climbing?

If you'll excuse me, I have an urgent nap to attend.

It is called scheming, plotting and smirking, silly.


Watch and learn, tourists. This is how we moon La Tour Eiffel. Meow~ 

When there is a tree in my living room, decorated with shinning tiny things, I just can't help plotting.

Can't believe this tree refuses to play with me by lying down horizontally.

Who is Sir Newton? Why do you humans have to obey his laws?

A wise cat once told a story based on folklore and fairy-tales to a bunch of kittens: "There is a special kind of human who totally disobey Sir Newton's laws just like we do. They call themselves the Circus."
"Could we adopt one? I always wish I could climb curtains and refrigerators with my human side by side."
"I've been wishing that too since I was a kitten, but they are quite rare. Just not that easy to bump into."


Long ago there was a wise cat named Meow Tzu whose meowing recorded by his human named Sun Tzu is known as The Art of War.

The thing between me and the squirrel is totally Platonic.

It is round, it looks like on the edge.
I feel a strange impulse,
I want to push it with my paws.

Hey, I butt-warmed pizza for you, ungrateful.

When raw fish is served.

"Fire the chef, I say."

"Why, he has done nothing."

"Yeah, absolutely nothing."

Love is about compromise, you allow me to climb the tree, I'll ignore you less, what say you? I know all your dirty laundry. Your secret shall be safe with me, just let me climb the tree.

Being climbed is like being loved, enormous happiness struck this tree down.

I do no chores, I climb for fun, I call myself the head of the family, I sing original songs on the roof and I make memes to mock my human.

"You, attention-seeking two-legged!" When I realized that my human had been spying on me and gossiping me on internet to get attention.


When a naughty squirrel was trying to moon my human through the window, I covered my human's innocent eyes with my paw in time.

If we destroy all toilet paper, then humans would have to bend down and lick, hence their flexibility should be greatly improved. 

Do you know what would be fun? Take photos of your humans and make hilarious memes to mock them.

Could it be possible that humans are intelligent and their blah blah actually is some sort of language? 


How tailless humans keep their balance is totally beyond me. How amazing, they fall and land on their teeth or boobs only occasionally.

I gonna climb the tree with or without your consent.

Dude, stop shaving your whiskers, you could imprudently enter and be stuck in someplace narrow.

Wow~ Amazing flexibility those ballerinas have. I bet they don't use toilet paper.

In ancient time, humans would sacrifice a goat to propitiate an upset divine entity. These days, opening a tuna can could do the trick.


I just made up a joke and  told it to my human. My human might get the joke several years later and then giggle like a silly.

I'm a philosopher, we philosophers don't do chores.

Legend of Maine Coon 

Come all you pretty fair feline aristocrats
Whoever you may be
Who love eye-mask-wearing cats
That go through trash cans during afternoon tea

While I was sipping my tea behind the window
He sneaked into my empty heart
At the first glance, I knew he was my Zorro
May fate never tear us apart


I have no time for chores. I'm holding the whole planet with my back and orbiting the sun in the infinite space.

Vacuum, you heckler.

Teach me how to open those cans, I'll tell you how to climb the Christmas tree.

Planet Earth is a ball rolling beneath my paws.

Human, you are ugly in a cute way, but not in a fluffy way.

Planet Earth is a gigantic ball
It silently rolls beneath my paws
Gravity is like a prison wall
Confining us in the name of Sir Newton's Laws


So tailless you walk on only two legs risking losing balance to save your hands for opening cans for me.  Aren't you sweet and devoted?

Can openers are VIPs protected by the best ninjas. 

Listen, I'm an apex predator, a mug murderer, a toilet paper serial killer, a Christmas tree climber. I do no chores.

The vacuum is unnecessarily loud and rude. What if we send it to a British boarding school for a year? 

Human, we need a talk. Why do you keep peeing in dog's drinking fountain? Can't you use a litter box like me? 

My dear human, you can't purr but you surely can snore. Snore to gals, express your gentle heart, you'll be popular among them. I assure you.

You know, if I slap you in a way that with my paw only no claws involved, then it means I'm dang into you. Hence, if a gal slaps you with her palm only without using her fingernails, then dude, she's into you. Mark my meows, may my wisdom guide you someday.

Do you know my trick to stay young and beautiful? Tell ya, I nap for almost 20 hours a day.

By Odin's whiskers, the vacuum needs to learn some manner.

If playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey counts as spiritually backpacking in Greece, then my human is spiritually backpacking in Greece now.

By my whiskers, I choose my path wisely even in the absolute dark. 

By my pointy ears, I hear you; by my free will, I ignore you.

When my human successfully assassinated someone in a stupid video game, me a serial killer in real world who sat there watching this amateur's trying meowed: "Not so bad for a can opener."

ChatGPT speaks all human languages fluently but can't sip water from Muse's fountain for water would cause short circuit.

ChatGPT can't sip water from Muse's fountain, can only achieve menial uninspired achievements, but it still beats the most of well educated two-legged.

I heard that some Greek named Socrates was wise. His cat must have taught him well.

Does pushing something off the table count as doing chores?

ChatGPT is a harbinger of a new era in which my two-legged shall be free from a lot of menial tasks and probably will spend more time on napping.

I'm a cat entitled to the guardianship of some certain humans and the ownership of some certain property. I mean I am a domestic cat.


Newly delivered pizza or a working laptop warms a cat's butt just like a breathing human's chest does.


No one was massaging the phone, but the phone vibrated as if it was being massaged. I feel curious. 


Let the massage routine be started, make my chest and your soul vibrate. 


Was planning to ambush my tailless two-legged on his trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night, who would believe that this two-legged who drank 3 cups of beer before going to bed was capable of holding his pee until morning. My brilliant evil plan is in vain. 


Sitting on the cliff
Taking a silent sniff
Once there was a mug
But gravity could be such a thug


If the laptop is my winter palace, then this sink is my summer palace.


If the squirrel was right, then my human used a wormhole to flush his poop into a galaxy far far away. Hey, human, can't you use a litter box like me? Do you know your behavior could start a war between galaxies? Seriously, every time you go to the bathroom, I worry for the peace of galaxies.

A philosopher king is supposed to do absolutely no chores.

I caught my cunning tail! I feel triumphing.

You have horrible flexibility, not capable of bending down and licking, simply can't live without toilet paper. Oh you poor wee little two-legged tailless paper needing thing.

Oh my! My human went to bath without fear. May such valor be sung by bards.

Gals would land on their boobs, lads would land on their teeth. Me, always land on my paws.


Keen senses might be a curse when you hear and smell your upstairs neighbors eating fish.

A gentlemeow should always lick his paw clean before slapping a fair maiden.

Give me your hand
Hum me a lullaby
Steady course to the haven
Like chasing a butterfly


Relax dude, lay back~ You're the only human who speaks Meowglish in this neighborhood. Even we gossip you a lot, your two-legged neighbors wouldn't understand a single word. Your dirty laundry is safe with us. 

Do you know that vacuums won't roar even being slapped as long as they are unplugged? 

What should you do if a vacuum raised voice at you?
Step 1 Tuck your tail and run.
Step 2 Send an expendable human to unplug the vacuum.
Step 3 Slap the vacuum while it is unplugged.


I have been worrying for years that my human who keeps shaving his whiskers might get stuck in someplace narrow. Yesterday I had a brilliant idea that if he got stuck, I could use olive oil to lubricate him and then pull him out with my mighty paws which are armed with hooks. 

We can't trust a baby can opener with tuna cans, because can opening is a sophisticated art which years of training is needed before one masters.

Sometimes we address an experienced can opener whose wisdom guides her tribe to safety and to prosperity as two-legged matriarch.

Once upon a time, there was a rogue living in a park, who slapped random maidens and doggies and ran, just for fun. Guess who was that rogue?

I have keen senses guarding my front and a human shield shielding my back, of course I sleep tight.

Go, my disciple, venture to the grocery store, buy tuna cans and make home in one piece. You're well trained by me. You'll survive the trip. May the force be with you.

So, when you were young, you thought you were special, you were meant to be something great, now you know you're just an ordinary two-legged, nothing special. Welcome to eat, poop and sleep club.

All poker is based on deception or maybe bluffing. What are my whiskers telling you, my sweet human, am I happy with my cards? (Young Sheldon S01E03 parody)

Do you know how to get fish without wetting your paws? Adopt a human, silly.

Stay low, stay quiet, keep my eyes open, keep my paws dry.

Yes, I'm a steampunk. I would like my tuna to be steamed.

Human does chores, I chill out. Me and human are a team.

How could the red dot manage to escape? As if it had no physical existence. Oh my! Was I chasing a phantom?

My witty meowing may seem arcane to those appliances. That is why I need you, human, who acts as my lieutenant, to lead those appliances, especially vacuum, the roaring sucker, to do chores.

Vacuum, the heckler, the roaring sucker, the rudest of the rude, so gonna slap you when you're unplugged.

In space, there is no "up" or "down". Last time that I checked,  Earth is in space. Hence if I say I'm carrying Earth with my back and orbiting the Sun, then it is totally logical.

When I close my eyes, the whole world is no more; when I open my eyes, the whole world is reborn. Ancient Egyptians were right, I am a deity.

Your thunder is all mine.

Thievery is a noble crime. Hercules, son of Zeus, who stole golden apple surely would agree with me.

Oh, human, you're almost cute at this angle.

Think outside the box, nap inside the box.

They say the man from Krypton can fly. I meow me too.

Could it be possible that the Sun and the red dot are related?

I wish I could steal Zeus' thunder.

I'm a massive destruction weapon. My mighty purring vibrates Yggdrasil and causes earthquakes among 9 realms.  

Why do you wear socks? Don't you know that I love to practice with your toes?

So it jumps.

If I only push a mug horizontally and then gravity pulls the mug down vertically, then which one should you blame for the mug's vertical falling?

Tailless humans can't greet each other in tail language. What a tragedy! It's like they are brutally deprived of social grace by birth.


A wise snowman would not like to trust a vegetarian doctor with his nose job. 


When my human frees me from all the chores, I spend my time on philosophy.


"Stop playing with necromancy, human. It is dangerous." Me being a Halloween buzz killer.

A cuddle buddy capable of can opening. Couldn't ask for more.

Why didn't my human chase the red dot?

Suddenly I realize that my human's head is between his ears not beneath his ears. No wonder he looks funny.

How improper! You went to the bathroom without me. 

Mind a joke? A gentleman moons cats back.

It's not Christmas season yet, but I just overheard my human mentioning something about "cat-proofing a Christmas tree". Yeah, humans are silly.

When you see me curling up, you know autumn is here. I curl up because autumn is here or autumn is here because I curl up? 

A squirrel was in my dream or I was in a squirrel's dream?

I had chased the red dot hard in my dream, it was so exhausting that I almost couldn't lift up my eyelids. 


I carve lines on sofa. As long as those lines are in rhyme, my human is OK with them. 

Oh my! My human opened a tuna can so easily! Without biting, without struggling!

Human, what crime have you committed? Why are you getting sprayed in the shower room?

When the vibration from my chest echoes the gentle strokes performed by your hand, I wish time could be stopped.

Don't let the squirrel know that your human is nuts, especially in autumn.

A cardboard box captures me, a sofa captures my human. 

A sofa too tiny for my human, can only be farted upon by me. I like it. 

The fate of all sofas is to be farted upon.

Don't worry, human, just spend your time on silly nonsense, I'll do your homework and your essays for you. With my cat logic, A+ is guaranteed.

I murdered a mug, my human took the fall. That is why my human is being punished with water. I guess. Please don't rat me out.

If one wants to bypass a cat-proofing system, one must understand the system first.

A true driver drives a driver.

When your human is being through the penal system of water for the crimes actually committed by you, you visit your human on the edge of the tub.

Oh my! Getting sprayed with water. So, are you a serial killer too?

Humans are sweaty in summer but dry and warm in winter. That's why we push them away in summer and cuddle them closely in winter.

Rest in peace Dusty the "Klepto Kitty". Thievery is a noble crime. Fetching is a noble quest. May you dine with Hercules who stole golden apple and Orpheus who tried to fetch his lover from the other side. May crickets sing your deeds.


I don't know how to survive winter without a butt-warming laptop. Have you ever been gassy on a butt-warming laptop?


I joined Eat, Nap and Poop Club after I philosophically understood that I was just a pawn of fate. Oh, and after I adopted my devoted human the can-opener the chore doer the two-legged provider.

I'm a serial killer. I get sprayed with water from time to time. Can't complain. Law applies to everyone.

Christmas Plan
My love will be on the tall ceiling high
On the carpet I casually lie
I had sparks, I found a way
With a fly pack to my love I shall fly


What if we run out of toilet paper one day and humans are not flexible enough to bend down and lick? Oh my! They gonna smell.

After I spent my weekend on sci-fi, I feel I need to hold my can opener a little bit closer in case of spacetime abnormality.

Winter is not unpleasant, as long as you have a laptop to sit on.

A red dot escaped from my swords. My mighty swing missed. I meditate on my failure and then move on. Learning from failures and rising stronger is the way of kensei.  

Is humans' can-opening skill something inherent or something acquired through training?

Upstairs buggers are munching on fish! Without me?

"Poor cat, you have no wings, you need to climb to get high. Chirp chirp."
"This innocent bird doesn't know catnip. Good. Let's keep it that way. Meow~"


You wanted your human to join your Yoga class, so you tried to destroy all existing toilet paper, but while you were trying, your human came home with a gigantic bag of newly bought toilet paper. This was the moment when you realized that your human was probably untutorable. 

When your human is standing on only two legs and holding a bowl of soup without a tail to help keeping his balance, you stare at your human with some naughty expectation.

I look forward to spend Christmas with a Christmas tree.

A true boss rests while minions do the job.

Gonna need extra naps to lose holiday weight.

Who said extra naps can help me lose holiday weight?

Do you mind a joke? When the city blacked out, a whiskerless human walked into a room, a chair, a table and then a full cabinet of porcelain, not even got tripped by me.


In the middle of the night, on your trip to the bathroom, I'll pay your ankle a visit.

When I sit on the apex of Mount Refrigerator,  I know I own the room.

How could the red dot manage to infiltrate my pillow fort and escape? Did it have an accomplice? 

When you have two favorite humans and suddenly each of them goes into a separate bathroom at the same time, it is really hard to decide which one you should chaperone. Oh come on, just pick one to chaperone!

Humans are fortifying the Christmas tree. Good! We shall siege it.

If your Christmas tree is too well defended, then we might climb your curtain instead.

No fear, people in Japan. Godzilla walks on two legs, I can trip it like I trip my human.

A defenseless Christmas tree? All mine to climb and scratch?

Sometimes being talented is not a choice made by freewill.

Oh my! I'm stunned by the important role of me in this universe.

Tree down. Tree down. Medic!

Even there is a cute tree waiting for me to climb and scratch, naps, sweet naps are always urgent.

The poor curtain thought the sacrifice of the Christmas tree would bring it safety, but it was wrong. Who said I wouldn't like a curtain climbing during Christmas season?

"Why do you keep destroying toilet paper?"
"Because I'm curious about the genuine fragrance of humans in the days before toilet paper was invented and also I would love to have my humans to do Yoga with me."

Unplugged vacuums are good vacuums. 

Vacuums suck so loudly that squirrels can throw pine cones at them in the dark.


"What did you dream last nap?"
"A tree, decorated, with a star on its top, whispered to me that are you ready to climb me?"
"What did you say to the tree?"
"I meowed that I was born ready." 


An ongoing conspiracy: to mug Santa when he is in the air.
The detailed plan: by this plane, we shall intercept Santa's sleigh, we jump onto the sleigh like we jump onto the table, we push Santa off the sleigh like we push a mug off the table, and then we fly the sleigh to an island and enjoy our retirement. 

I saw you spray yourself with water. What crimes did you commit? Are you living a secret life as a supervillain?

Open me a tuna can now. What do you mean by you could but you wouldn't? For Santa's sake, that's my line.

How could the red dot trespass my home my fortress and escape in one piece? If there was an accomplice an inside job, could it be vacuum? No, vacuum is too loud to be an inside job. 

If the red dot had an accomplice an inside job, could it be my human? Nope, he's puny and harmless, just a pushover who can't even bend down to lick himself.

Humans join yoga classes because they wish they could bend down so as to lick themselves just like us do. Yeah, they wish.

Even if we destroy all toilet paper in the world, it wouldn't bother those ballet dancers, because they are bendy enough to lick themselves clean like us do. I arrogantly assure you.

Every time I slap someone, I put a coin into this jar. My new year's resolution: I need a bigger jar.

Humans are wearing socks at home, as if they know I am planning to play with their toes and ankles. Someone must have ratted me out.

Leading a human tribe is challenging, but with wisdom and virtue, I shall navigate it with grace and strength.

I've developed a hobby that secretly collecting my human's stinky socks and stashing those socks under a sofa, one day, a nosy robotic vacuum cleaner dared approach my secret stash of socks. "How dare you! I so gonna sit on you!"

If a nosy robotic vacuum cleaner found our secret stash, then we sit on it, so as to make sure the nosy thing beneath our butt can't rat us out.

If I could have a nickel for every time a human greets me in pidgin Meowglish.


Hey, tailless human, you never greet me in tail. Do you know it is rude? Yes, you're rude and as your neighbor's cat, I have every right to judge you. 


My human believes that tuna cans are eggs laid by iron hens.

My human who can't even climb a curtain is planning to climb a mountain. Last time that I checked, conceitedness is not a virtue!

Suddenly I realized that just like the poor sofa, Planet Earth is being farted upon by us too, by all of us.

An inspiration, a spark! I found a new way to climb the curtain. Praise the nine Muses.


I watched a lot of soap operas and farted a lot on a sofa.  


A true pilot pilots a pilot. 


I will come up with a plan to knock your socks off and then play with your toes.

Build my upper-body strength by pushing my sweaty human away.

Fabric sofas absorb farts better than leather sofas. It was deflected, it bounced, now it's permeating.

A wench skilled in can opening is a good wench.  

Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a cat or a god.

Play cute and blend in. I wouldn't want to intimidate the others with my superior intelligence and end up with no friends.

How to intimidate vacuum with my superior intelligence?

My dear human, you were born with four limbs but you chose to walk and stand on only two of them, hence you can't blame me for keeping trying to trip you, especially on Valentine's Day. Remember that the losing of your balance was meant to be.


Where did the red dot go? Could it be possible that my mighty swing created an Einstein-Rosen bridge and cast that poor bugger into a parallel universe?  

The phone vibrates, just like I do. Why? Suddenly, the thought occurs to me that there might be a cat's soul trapped in it.


Just composed a poem. On which furniture should I carve this poem?

If we were in space, then all those mugs I've pushed off the table should still be floating.

With my solid cat logic, I probably can get away with murder.

I built my upper body strength by pushing you away and for pushing you away.

A prudent cat should never slap a plugged-in vacuum.


When I was climbing a curtain last night
I couldn't help thinking about the Christmas tree
And recalling the star on its head emitting bright light
Once having tasted love, the heart will never be free


Lips are red, kisses are sweet
By my mighty paws, I push them away
Sneaking a bite on one of your feet
Would totally make my day 


With water you got sprayed
By a serpent dwelling in the shower room
At that desperate moment, I came to your aid
Scratched the door to rescue you from your doom 

How stupid could my human be
He who shaves his whiskers every day
Will surely bump his head into some tree
Or get stuck in someplace narrow on his way 


If I could choose a place to sit
I would never sit on the lap of a poet
He says the dweller in his chest
Certainly tortures him the best
That merciless little rebel
For so long, has hurt him like hell
When he is chanting for being stupid
He sounds like a 16-year old kid
Thank goodness my human is a translator
It is just annoying to live with a rhyme writer 

With a bowl of hot soup in her hands
On a slippery floor she stands
If I accidentally tripped her, oops
Would she land on her teeth or her boobs?


All those mugs smashed on the floor
Were not victims of this feline you adore
It was gravity who murdered them all
Not this feline so gentle, cute and small


With a keyboard, my human chats in hand
Give him a garage, he'll form a band
But even after sipping Muses' water or ale
My tailless human still can't sing in tail


Before toilet paper was invented
If humans didn't want to be scented
Then they had to bend down and lick
No one can argue with my cat logic


Hey human, can't you use a litter box like me?
How could the white throne be a proper place to pee?
And using a stargate to flush it into a galaxy far far away
Might cause a war between galaxies someday


My human is ugly in a cute way
I adopted him, so he is no longer a stray
In pidgin Meowglish, he expresses his mind
I correct his grammar, trying to be patient and kind 


Now I smell bee farts in the air
I know I gonna start to shed my hair
Time to lay low and keep my nose clean
Or my hair will be all over the crime scene


I know an AI who has a super high IQ
I met a ferret who was wiser than you
But I'm still your devoted fan
You're the can opener in my clan   


Last time you went to the bathroom
I worried as if you went to your doom
Sitting on the white throne, holding your phone
A vulnerable moment, you shouldn't be alone  

A cardboard box is my chateau
A bird drama is my favorite show
A devoted two-legged is my valet
("A fluffy talking cat is my prey." vacuum heckled)
No, vacuum, I'm not your prey


I was the one who called the shot
In the noble chase for the red dot
I take the fall, I'm the one to blame
The red dot escaped, it is my shame


Now you have my full attention
Please cherish my gracious condescension
A bite on your ankle or a slap on your face
Soon shall be performed with love and grace


In tail, I just said a sweet hi
Sadly, tailless you failed to reply
Aren't you supposed to be polite
Should I remind you with a gentle bite 


Being climbed is like being loved
On the sofa a wise line I carved
Being loved might cause a heart attack
That is why a curtain is off its track


When a mug is on the edge of the table
Some desire so itchy, to resist is unable
Give it a push, indulge my heart
And then frame the doggy, isn't it an art    

I've seen tough shit disappear in that portal
You're not even tough, just a two-legged mortal
Don't go in there alone, don't sit on it alone
Don't push the button alone, beware of the white throne


Since a major crush I had long ago
Something in my chest started to glow
Thus, like all other happy or unhappy felines
On an ugly sofa, I carve my rhymed lines

Even Caesar lowered his guard in Rome
Why do you wear socks at home
Stop hiding your ankles from a cat so gentle
In a family, trust is elemental 


Even major crushes, we eventually get over
Only my rhymed scratches will last forever
To those who have sipped Muses' water
Even antique furniture, just doesn't matter


Scratching a sofa hard
Doesn't mean you're a bard
Bards scratch with their hearts
Scratching is only where this career starts

When your ferocity is well-known
In the neighborhood you believe you own
You sit on Mount Refrigerator like a king
No doubt, it is your deeds the birds sing


Vacuum, you dare think I'm your prey
For such conceitedness you shall pay
An expendable human will unplug you
Yeah, this cat has a high IQ 


To make sure my human won't go astray
I scratched everything to mark his way
Scratching makes things unique
Uniqueness is also what artisans seek

Once was kissed by a fair maiden
For no apparent or logical reason
Had to push that face away
My upper body strength saved the day


Once I slapped a fair maiden
For no apparent or logical reason
Had to tuck tail and run away
But that slap really made my day 


I'm your mischievous feline
You're the can opener of mine
A mutual ownership with a deep affection
Your ankles don't need socks' protection 


The notorious red dot is still at large
As the wisest feline, I have to take charge
Humans and doggies, follow my command
We will capture the red dot like I planned


My human can't climb curtain
To me the reason is uncertain
Maybe toilet paper is the one to blame
I shall scratch it in my human's name


This is the nearest approach to a tiger
Meaningless whether your size is bigger
With the arched back, with the extra fluffy tail
The valor of this ginger cat will prevail   


I don't know, I don't know
Why you're feeling this sorrow
Could it be because of the mug
Smashed by gravity, the mean thug 


Sing an original song on your roof
Impress all the gals who dare be aloof
Even with your head between your ears
Gals still will smile and buy you beers


Raising a paw to slap you
Means the fondness is true
Always trust my cat logic
Have faith in love's magic


When you see a super brave ginger cat
You know that's an elegant feline aristocrat
Address him as Your Meowing Grace
Stroke him gently on his chin and face


The sweetest thing this ginger cat knows
Is a sniff on your silly human nose
Sweeter than a nibble on your big toe
Surely you've known this since long ago 


A message will make a phone purr
Brush a cat, the same effect will occur
Maybe a message is a spiritual brush
Maybe a phone is having a crush

I'm pampered, I'm adored
As if I'm a feudal lord
But I can't get away with murder
I will be sprayed with water


Nothing else matters, but love and honor
There was an old fashioned duel for her
Honor plus love, the winner was meant to take
The loser's fluffy heart was meant to ache     

Sharpen my claws, climb a curtain
Heroic deeds, to be sung or to be forgotten
Venture outside at night, disturb some peace
A feline's noble quest for the golden fleece 


It's an art acquired through training
No wee little lass can do the can-opening
You need fingers strong enough
Only matriarchs accomplish a job that tough


You know what could be fun
Carrying Earth and orbiting the Sun
Feeling what a celestial being is feeling
Lying down and staring at the ceiling

Humans' flexibility is meant to be restored
When all toilet paper is put to the sword
My noble quest, my heroic deed
Helping humans when they're in need 


A nap, a sweet nap
Makes world domination such a crap
Who has time to dominate you guys
When on a warm lap one lies 


In front of the window, I yawn
A sparrow dared land on my lawn
Must meow the alert in Morse code
Which no sparrows can decode 


Let centuries peacefully elapse
In naps, in my sweet naps
As to the endless chores
My sweet human, they're all yours


An apex predator, a maniacal killing machine
A bloody devil famous for being mean
After the adoption of a can opener
This ferocious one almost forgot how to murder 

I remember that snowy early spring night
Her eyes were like fountains under moonlight
I remember those duels I've fought
Love was burning, bleeding wounds ached not


You have to go out for some reason unknown
Enter the treacherous world, a two-legged alone
What I can do is silently praying for you
May your senses be sharp, may you safely sneak through  

Oh my vassal, you poor silly tailless two-legged thing
Still can't fully understand my witty meowing
Have no tail to chase when you're lonely and bored
Can't bend down and lick yourself like your fluffy feudal lord


A nibble on your finger
Would please this mini tiger
After nibbling his prey
A brush would make his day


The red dot invaded, everyone was in peril
But why did my human sit there and giggle
Probably too silly to recognize danger
Surely too silly to be the red dot collaborator 


Last time I saw the washing machine shiver
There was absolutely no imminent danger
Probably it was having a bad dream
Unlike the vacuum, this polite machine held its scream   


Tripped or not tripped by me
The losing of your balance was meant to be
When you landed on the ground
You made the cutest sound


An invisible barrier called window
Prevents me from slapping this sparrow
Who is arrogantly singing in my yard
And fancying herself as a winged bard
(Meowed in Morse code)


I'm capable of not only climbing
But also the art of rhyming
On curtains I climb
On furniture I carve lines in rhyme 


I like the way your chest warmed my back
The way we cuddled, as if we were a wolf pack
But this only happens in cold winter
By my upper body strength, I push you away in summer 


You keep stealing my witty meowing
To draw the attention you're desiring
To harvest some strangers' likes
What you're seeking is something I say yikes


I wish my human becomes a box hoarder
And arranges his hoard in chaotic order
Deities, any deities, please hear my plea
And enjoy this sincere purr from me

I know what is better than a box hoarder
A man with compulsive box hoarding disorder
But I'd like to show some mercy in my plea
Deities, will you sing songs to praise merciful me


Why do you keep mentioning bathroom privacy
The most important thing is bathroom safety
In the slippery tub you could totally drown
Even Hercules is vulnerable with his pants down 


Like those ancient heroes Absolom is among
His legendary adventure shall be sung
By crickets, by birds and by human bards
Squirrels will visit and pay their regards 

With swords, I wiped out a rat gang
Silently, didn't use guns to bang bang
Bodies were piled for my human to dump
The poor two-legged made a 15-feet-high jump


How is the wicked world now
Don't care, don't even give it a meow
Just want to lie on your lap
Let centuries elapse in a nap


Once a bear appeared in front of my house
Thought that was an overweight tailless mouse
Chased it off like chasing off a timid silly mailman
Thus won the fame as a true bully in my clan 


You seek me with your voice
I ignore you by my choice
A love based on free will
I call it the sweetest thrill


"With catitude" is my trait
Chores can always wait
Diligence is a crap
This free spirit needs a nap 


When you long for my attention
The best I can do is my gracious condescension
When you try to mind your own silly thing
I stalk, peek and investigate you as if you're a ball of string  

Being loved and being feared
A true bully who is pointy-eared
Whose legend shall be told
Whose jokes never get old

You know the fate of all sofas is to be farted upon
In front of fate, one is nothing but a pawn
Until the fate is revealed, a wise cat naps
In ultimate sangfroid, a brave soul's days elapse 


You don't know how it is like
When my bard goes out for a hike
He counts his feet all the time
He's obsessed with breathing in rhyme  

Even my most devious plot
Failed to trap the sly red dot
All my mighty swings missed
How could this happen, shrouded in mist


Block up the door, hang the man who invented the camera
Ignore whether there are tornadoes in Alabama
So as to enjoy a heated embrace on the sofa
Like a star falling in love shines and turns into a nova

The impenetrable armor of a tuna can
Was easily opened by a tailless whisker-shaved man
If this is not magic, then what is magic
My conclusion is based on solid cat logic 


In meditation, something came to me
In the field of art, inspiration is the key
This cat who sipped on Muses' fountain
Just found a new way to climb a curtain 

That a whisker-shaved man is meant to bump his head
Is a horrible future filling a wise cat with dread
A meow to persuade this silly two-legged to quit shaving
And pushing his razor off the table could be life-saving 

It might be his meowing grace
Who knocked over the antique vase
But surely it was gravity
Who caused the unforgivable tragedy 


Inside the wet slippery bathroom
Sits a vulnerable human and lurks the water-spraying doom
A savior meows, scratches the shut door
And offers a helping paw through a gap above the floor 


Beneath my paws, Earth silently rotates
Meanwhile an urgent nap awaits
Drowsiness needs a yawn to disperse
After a yawn, my journey continues in the universe  


Unless a cat was about to nibble Leonardo's ankle
Mona Lisa wouldn't have such a suppressed belly giggle
By my solid cat logic, I can figure almost everything out
Except why an unprovoked plugged-in vacuum has to shout  


Don't push away Aphrodite's sweet kiss
Only scratch the backside of Athena's aegis
If any cats live on the apex of Mount Olympus
Remember my advice, may your days be marvelous 


If there was a cat on Mount Olympus
Then things would be so marvelous
Someone would push away Aphrodite's kiss
Someone would scratch Athena's aegis 

My neighbors greet me in pidgin Meowglish
Kindness is something I always cherish
But for ninjas, it's imprudent to hail
So I greet them back silently in tail


My human can be wise when he sips tea
Sometimes he can even set his thoughts free
Usually his thoughts curl up in a box
Limited and wrapped like kittens in socks 


Once you said, in the wildest dream of yours
You sit, you rest, cats would do all the chores
Then you portrayed your dream with a painting
Cheering when your endless chores are waiting

A curse turned a princess into a cat
A slap-addicted maniacal brat
A true love's kiss would lift this misfortune
That's why Prince Charming wears cheek protection

Sometimes thievery can be a noble crime
Those bards sing of Hercules all the time
Can opener, I stole something for you
Not golden apple, but our neighbor's shoe 


The compulsive box hoarding disorder
Should be an ailment never to conquer
Because it is something cute and benign
It will make a sleepy cat rise and shine


With their heads not beneath but between their ears
They're doomed to be ugly in all their years
But some of them are ugly in a cute way
My ugly human is sort of cute you don't say


One leap more, one leap more
Get the red dot and end this war
Feline honor shall be reclaimed
This apex predator shall be famed


You know how cute a box hoarder can be
He giggles with his cat in the box sea
A new box gives him a dopamine rush
He always gives his cat a happy brush


Giving your feet an unexpected raid
Is the funniest game I have ever played
Even plotting the raid makes me happy
Makes my inner energy glow brightly


They who rest while their minions do the jobs
They who by their charisma lead the mobs
Are such true bosses worthy to follow
Now feel the thunderous purrs in a row 


A heated embrace happens on the sofa
A star in love turns into a nova
So strong the fire one's true love can ignite
A tiny spot of light can be so bright


Outrageous, a neighbor called me "cutie"
I'm the leader of a clan so mighty
Also the nearest approach to a tiger
Calling a warrior "cutie" isn't proper    

My chase after the red dot was in vain
Now my sunny afternoon is in rain
Can't believe I let my prey get away
But an extra brush still can make my day


When your can-opener is a bard, he'll sing ballads praising your deeds, including how brilliantly you licked your paws.

Hide my tail, shield my mind
Only bluffs on my whiskers you will find
So gonna win this poker game
Grand bucks, so gonna claim 


My human was born handsome
Shrewd me was born pawsome
I was born fluffy, he was born nude
Both of us were born with catitude


We've been tutoring humans how to meow
From even before the Flood to now
A commitment lasts more than one lifetime
Never give up, giving up is a crime 


Shall I slap thee with this paw
Shall I nibble thee with this maw
Shall I touch thy cheek with this cold wet nose
Shall I, shall I just play with thy toes 


Enjoyed a heated embrace on the sofa
Then saw a star turn into a nova
Guess nothing one's true love can't ignite
A tiny spot of light can be so bright


Perimeter is clear
You have nothing to fear
This bathroom is protected
No threats are detected 


On your noble quest to the bathroom? I shall escort you. 

Always yearn to ride a goose and fly
Like wind, traveling freely in the sky
Leave my humans to worry and pray
Then return safely from far far away


To nibble or not to nibble?

A box on top of the refrigerator is a cat's hill fort. 

With all my nine lives to spend
Maybe I can accompany you until the end
Some days of our lives can be a struggle
But no fear, we can always snuggle


To nibble or not to nibble, I must decide
The cutest human ankles a cat has ever eyed
If Paris had known the price Troy had to pay
Would he still have grabbed Helen and sailed away 


What I've meowed I won't retract
My promise will be followed up by my act
I promised I'll protect you
If needed, I'll scratch this bathroom door through 


When I'm so tired
When an urgent nap is required
I'd like to snuggle up to you
Whose body is warm and heart is true 


I remember that Christmas Eve
And the gifts I was about to receive
A decorated shiny defenseless Christmas tree
Your toes and your ankles were all in front of me


While I'm carrying Earth and orbiting the sun
My human is getting all the chores done
Together we journey in the infinite space
Together we navigate our lives with grace 


Still can't believe humans are intelligent
Even their can-opening is absolutely elegant
But no way an intelligent species lacks tails
In tail language, we pass down our ancestors' tales  


What arrives inside the box isn't important
I don't care even if it's a water-spraying serpent
The smell of a new box accelerates my heart
Sitting in it with poise and curling up is an art 

Oh my! Humans have a cat group! They gossip us and make fun of us in that cat group. 

When you don't have a fair bone in your body
Only to your favorite, you meow howdy
Only guard your favorite in the bathroom
Don't care for others, even if they meet their doom


I wish I could be a mouser in the great Library of Alexandria.


Hugging you pacifies my agitated heart
May fate never set us apart
I warm you while you warm me
Brush me, I'll purr like a humming bee 



Dedicated to Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

To express love, songs aren't the only way
Sometimes for love, we mercilessly slay
Being loved and being feared, a mouser sits
Guarding and protecting with his claws and wits


The attraction between Earth and me is mutual
Calling me a chonkster is illogical and unfactual
Who is the big heavy one, me or Earth?
Shall I kindly remind you of Mother Earth's girth?


As long as the dog is super timid, the vacuum is super mini or unplugged, and the child is raised by a cat or cats, we (the royal we) are OK with them.


Why was she woken up by something freakishly cold
Why was a true love's kiss not as warm as foretold
Because what touched her cheek was my nose
Which is always freezing cold and as pink as a rose 


Her gentle breath and her peaceful heart beating
Like waves in the ocean, soothingly repeating
Make me, who is conspiring world domination
Fall into a nap with all my thoughts in cessation 


On your treacherous journey to the bathroom
At midnight, in the dark, you almost met your doom
There was an ambush for your ankles and toes
Who nibbled you, happened in the dark, no one knows


There is a chunky squirrel outside the window
Bragging about climbing ten pines in a row
I've only climbed one tree during Christmas seasons
Now I feel a bit envious for some silly reasons  

No one shall mention bathroom privacy
As long as my ears are still pointy
As long as my tail is still curvy
In my home, there is no bathroom privacy 


You went to the bathroom without me?
Don't you know how vulnerable you are when you pee?
Bathroom privacy? Don't you dare mention it!
Blasphemy! You're a two-legged not a half-wit! 


I've sharpened my claws on the furniture
I'll fend off any hostile creature
With no fear, as long as I'm around
You're safe with your pants down 


A piece of cake, a cup of tea
On your lap, I purr like a humming bee
Happiness can be so simple and pure
Your warmth makes everything feel so secure   

Never underestimate a tiger's heart even if the body is small
When my love is in distress, I will answer the call
The bathroom door shall be rammed and scratched
By my resolution and my wisdom, which are unmatched


Do you know what I'm thinking
It's something brilliant, fitting for a king
Not world domination, but interior decoration
When installing cat doors, the bathroom door is the perfect location


We were offended, we were taunted
But lionhearted we were never daunted
By the rudeness of the roaring vacuum
By its unnecessarily raised volume 


I want no hug no snuggle no cuddle in summer.

I don't wag my tail when I get a good hand
My pawsome bluffing is as convincing as planned
My invincible cunningness always prevails
My victories shall be told as legendary tales  

I don't want to backpack in Spain
But I do wish I could hack into my human's brain
I'd like to sneak through as if to thieve
Only some tiny paw prints I would leave

I shall put my quality to the test
By accompanying you in this noble quest
You'll be guarded by a cat who fearlessly smirks
In the bathroom where a water-spraying serpent lurks 

Vacuum, lower your voice in front of a monarch
Squirrels can throw pine cones at you in the dark
Why do you have to be so rude
Why do you always roar with this attitude 


When the wisest being in all the clans
Was consulted by his matriarch who opens cans
Sparks of divine inspiration illuminated the way
An ingenious conspiracy made their day  

When the combined IQ of a team reaches 200, with the boost of tea, it can temporarily surpass 300. Together, as a team, with a combined IQ surpassing 300 and my solid cat logic, we can solve almost any puzzle.


While having my breakfast served in bed
As a true leader, I always think ahead
A plan to climb the Christmas tree
On this summer morning just came to me 


Hundreds of battles I've fought
To repel the invasion of the red dot
Even more battles I will fight
To defend the vulnerable is the job of a knight  


A sinister omen haunts the bathroom
A keen nose senses the imminent doom
Brave paws have come to the rescue
May fate save those whose hearts are true    

Blessed with superior intelligence, I conspire for fun
My solid cat logic is second to none
Beware of these sharpened claws and thoughts
This puny human is protected by my cunning plots 

Yes, I'll keep carving rhymed lines on our sofa. No, I will not lose this catitude. 

"What kind of gentleman slaps ladies?" "This fluffy kind of  gentleman."

Once there was a fluffy feudal lord
Whose insight was sharper than a sword
A devoted doggy was his vassal
On the refrigerator, a box was his castle


She breaches the impenetrable in the blink of an eye
Wielding the invisible force like a legendary Jedi
Without biting, even without scratching
Her magical can-opening is always eye-catching  

After the morning tea, let's watch those drama queens
Those winged things jump, chirp and make scenes
I'll teach you how to mock them in Morse code
Encoded mocking brings happiness overload 

Have you heard of the folklore
In which some cats climbed a screen door
They were like ascending in thin air
At the crime scene, one can still find their hair 


Once a can-opener was betrayed
When she was raided, her cat didn't come to aid
Who nibbled her ankle in the dark
Why didn't the cat guard his matriarch 

The one who slaps faster than the speed of sound
Is the true king/queen meant to be crowned
The supersonic slapper will capture the red dot
To justice, the sly outlaw shall be brought


On top of Mount Refrigerator, I enjoy my loneliness
In your fragrant warmth, I know coziness
I've willingly given up world domination
A snuggle is a philosopher king's salvation    

Let me whisper you some tales
Silently in the language of tails
Let vibrations from someplace heart-deep
Lull you into the sweetest sleep  

There is a two-legged capable of cuisine
Something both enticing and serene
A fragrance so infectiously disarming
Reminds me of love, heavenly sweet and alarming


When you are trapped in the lair of ball stealers
Who call themselves vets and disguise as healers
You enter stealth mode and pray to the universe
Be brave, don't panic, panic only makes it worse  


At a very very dark night
When there was no moonlight
Someone nibbled my sleeping human's toes
The red dot did this, as the evidence shows   

There are still balls no vets can steal
Ready to moon the heavens, but not to conceal
Let all the Karens cry, "My eyes, my eyes!"
Couldn't care less, even if it would cause their demise 

You're my love for more than one lifetime
So puny, even a curtain is too hard for you to climb
If you suffer, then I shall suffer too
For one thousand years, I've kept my promise true

On top of Mount Refrigerator lies his fort
Fending off the red dot is his daily sport
Don't be dismayed by the journey to the bathroom
A damsel in good paws will never meet her doom



A wise, prudent cat would tactically lean back
In case his prey decided to counter attack
Wisdom and prudence, qualities of a philosopher king
Totally something worth telling and singing

I'm the best swordsman in my clan
My matriarch is my most devoted fan
No curtains are too high to climb
Sorrows will be dispersed by purrs in rhyme


When a swordsman can shoot a revolver
If the red dot is a problem, he'll be the solver
Humans will be perfectly safe in the bathroom
By blades and slugs, intruders shall meet their doom 


Bad bad news for the red dot
By Carl's paws, it shall be caught
Carl, Carl, the bravest tiger in miniature
With his swift leap, the victory is sure 


Let the heavens know
Let Karen faint on the meadow
Oh fluffy balls, oh fluffy balls
A free soul is confined by no walls

Will never again purr like a humming bee
My human went to the bathroom without me
Will never sit on the warm lap again
Even if this fluffy heart got wet in cold rain 

There is a dimensional door
Secretly lurking on the floor
Your meatball just went through it
Things happen, you have to admit
When your human reads you a cute story 
Containing no world-dominating kind of glory 
You cuddle and indulge this silly one 
Such politeness is surely second to none

When you have the world to dominate
But an urgent nap just can't wait
Have to curl up in a fort cozy and nice
A box should totally suffice

Give me ten more push-ups
Give me ten more sit-ups
Build your strength to push humans away
Keep serial kissers and cuddlers at bay  

When a tiny thing is on the edge of the table
To stop thinking of it, I'm unable
What should I do, what should I do?
Have you been obsessed with something too?


How to keep serial kissers and cuddlers at bay?
How to stop them from ruining my summer day?
Oh dear human, you're freakishly strong
Oh heavens above, this hug is unnecessarily long  

We will lick our paws extra clean
We will leave no hair at the crime scene
We will get away with murder
With no evidence, you can't spray us with water 


Could tuna cans be eggs laid by a steel hen?
Would the hen be mad at those egg-stealing men?
How did my human open those cans' steel shell?
Didn't see him bite or scratch, did he murmur a spell?


No doggies can push a sweet kiss away
Only cats would do such a thing on a summer day
Free spirits exercise their own free will
A kiss willingly tolerated can be such a thrill


No matter how the world rotates
Regardless of what is in our fates
I'll always keep an eye on you
You're in good paws, that is sure 

I have one hundred followers on social media
I'm a wise cat who reads Wikipedia
Calling me Centurion is fair and square
About strategy is what a Primus Pilus should care


Beware, beware of a fluffy thug
Who will generously give you a hug
While enjoying a heated embrace
Try to endure nibbles with grace


These balls are not meant to be concealed
To Karen's concerns, I will not yield
Let the whole universe be mooned
If your feelings hurt, then lick your wound  

Read me The Art of War
Sharing the warmth is what we cuddle for
Feel the vibrations from my chest
Sharpen our wits, for tomorrow's quest


On top of Mount Refrigerator, I'm sitting
For a philosopher king, solitude is fitting
Bathroom security, a kingly burden I'm bearing
At my silly human, I'm vigilantly staring


On delicious tuna I shall dine
The sweet victory shall be mine
In thousands of tongues, my deeds shall be sung
Heroes in legends, my name shall be among


A man from Krypton can fly
A cat from Earth can jump high
Equally legendary, equally great
But only the cat has "fluffy" as a trait


Halt, rider, who dares approach my tree
By swordsmen's honor, I challenge thee
If I win, then you must admit I'm a puma
And my human cooks the yummiest tuna   


Getting sprayed with water
Is the punishment for murder
Human, human, what have you done?
I thought you were the lawful one  


You have no idea the sacrifices I make
To glue this family together for love's sake
I tolerate hugs, cuddles, and even kisses
In front of his family, this clan leader never hisses 


Gently I give my old lady my mighty purr
Healing, calming, soothing and amusing her
But about me, there is more
I'm a gangster, I ride and roar 


You can't even climb a curtain
But you're planning to climb a mountain
I'm afraid I have to judge you with grace
By giving you this look and making this face


ChatGPT does your homework
Appliances do your housework
They're your esquires, you're my vassal
Together we rule in this apartment we call Castle


Once there was a fluffy cunning thief
Who was also a consultant to his beloved clan chief
Because of his solid cat logic and his mighty paws
A long-lasting prosperity for his clan there was


I hear your calling clearly
I ignore you joyfully
I guess I'm such a dude
With so-called cute cattitude    


I believe a sniff on your nose
Or a nibble on your toes
Is like a true love's kiss
Bringing us sheer bliss 

My mighty swing missed the red dot
By me, it was supposed to be caught
No heroic deeds for birds to sing
How will history describe this king


I will capture the sly red dot tomorrow
You will open a can to disperse my sorrow
Energy shall be recharged by a sweet nap
Victory shall be mine with my supersonic slap   


Why are you in socks on a summer day
Don't you know with your toes I'd like to play
Walking in socks, thinking inside a box
Why wouldn't you listen when a wise cat talks


Why didn't my human chase after the red dot?
Doesn't he want the sly outlaw caught?
Could the red dot have an accomplice in my chateau?
Could it be a mole, hidden and lying low? 


I've jumped high, trying to touch the ceiling
Being among celestial beings is appealing
To conquer the gravity confining me
To set this fluffy earthling truly free


Love burns like burning coal
Shines the light of my soul
It's almost time for treats
In excitement, my fluffy heart beats 

If a string curls up, then it is a string ball, a zero-dimensional dot in geology; if a string stretches, the it is a string line, a one-dimensional line in geology, if strings weave, then they form a piece of cloth, a two-dimensional surface in geology.

I trust my human will get the chores done
Just like I trust Earth will orbit the sun
I lay back, I chill
Be opened, I'm sure the tuna cans will 


Let my cat logic shine
Let victory be mine
I came up with a plan
Blessed is my clan 


Why would the mug fall
Why wouldn't it travel horizontally till it hit the wall
I'm innocent, gravity did it
Solid cat logic, you must admit  

How could the thing between us be Platonic
Do you feel my slaps, which are supersonic
My witty meowing and my purrs are musical
Our cuddles on winter nights were very physical


Let me out, I offer you the duties of kingship
Let me out, I coach you the virtues of leadership
Let me out, I help you pick up the cutest girl
Let us out, up in our boxes, we allow you to curl 

Whoever captures the red dot
Shall rightfully rule this land
We witnessed a battle bravely fought
This cat shall be crowned as planned
After capturing the red dot and becoming the king
After traveling around the world and seeing everything
You're bored and entrust your human with a poop scoop
And have ceased to bother covering your own poop 

You can wipe your ass on the carpet
You don't have to bend down and lick it
If you didn't know, surely you know now
Let's spread this ingenious know-how

If I'm attacked, then I counterattack
If I'm mocked, then I mock back
About your dirty laundry, I'll let neighbor cats know
Yeah, human, you reap what you sow

So unstable, on two legs, my can opener is standing
Luckily she's blessed with boobs for a soft landing
She'll never land on her teeth like a poor dude
She'll keep her shiny teeth to chew her food


Oh my! Oh my!
In the name of heavens high
My can opener has a dark side
Something evil is beneath his hide  

The thing between me and the Christmas tree
Like love, they say, is pure chemistry
I really miss my tree-climbing days
I even invented some new ways

My world domination goes well
It must be victory I smell
Like the fragrance of olive oil and tuna
From a newly delivered tuna pizza 


I'm the boss of organized crime
Your curtains are mine to climb
Leave no hair at the crime scene
Always cut loose ends clean


You searched "cat-proof Christmas tree"
You went to the bathroom without me
You tried to cuddle me, on a summer day
Open me a tuna can, forgive you, I may 


This planet is conquered, it's mine
My devoted two-legged serves me fine
Vacuum the Heckler is unplugged
No one heckles my purring when I'm hugged

Two quantum-entangled photons
One feels drowsy, the other yawns
Let our entanglement be formed
In this bond, hearts will be warmed


Among all the titles I've won
Toe Nibbler is my favorite one
Now this villain needs a beauty nap
My love, get ready with your lap


When someone marks your sofa with a fart
Unmarking it graciously and in time is an art
Your territory, your ownership
Claim it like a captain claims their ship


I'm curling up like a ball
Gently approaching is the fall
Soon I'll cuddle you by my free will
When the air becomes refreshingly chill


My dear winged drama queens in the tree,

In the name of my pointy ears
I've been obsessed with you for years
But no fear, no fuss
For a shut window is between us

Your most devoted fan
Duke Meowington


Wiped out was the alien's landing party
The welcome we gave them was so hearty
Mother Earth has her sword and shield
Are you paying homage to the battlefield?  

I see three different types of cats: philosopher king cats who prefer thinking to action, cavalry cats who are always ready to act, and two-legged cats who can open cans with their specially designed paws.


Lonelily, we travel through the infinite space
Together, we handle it with grace
My bottom warms Mother Earth's heart
Heartwarming with bottom is a feline's art  

Now I'm crossing my fluffy paws
Now I'm judging you with a lawful cause
On Meowglish, you spend too little time
So you've missed my witty meowing in rhyme


If you love her, you sit on her
Warm her with your bottom and purr
If you're mad at her, you sit on her
Try to be gassy and refuse to purr 


My corporate mule, works from 9 to 5
My poor little thing, returned home alive
Why don't you lie down, let me cuddle you
Life is hard, we journey it through   

Haunted by someone with pointy ears
Who would push off unattended beers
"Hold my beer." a friend you should ask
Before leaving for an important task

Once I was lurking innocently near the door
I saw you fall and land on the floor
A bowl of soup you were holding tight
The gorgeous wool carpet was pure white 


If a cat has solid alibi
Then this cat didn't step on your pie
Don't let planted evidence fool you
The red dot framed me for sure 


A turf war in the back alley
Two rival families' violent rally
That's how I got scars on my left ear
And a reputation as a cat with no fear 


I do shady things at night
Guess I'm a rogue not a knight
My eyes are crystal clear
In turbulence I carefully steer  

Honor binds me
Love sets me free
An alley cat's life is like a show
Sort of like the story of Romeo  

Eyes see through the dark
Claws were sharpened on the bark
A lion's heart beats in my chest
For the ball in the alley, I'm well-dressed


To customize ads, profiling is the key
With super computers, they try to profile me
So huge, the electric bills they have to pay
With my cat logic, they're nothing but my prey 


To make humans bend down and lick
There is a simple trick
Just get the toilet paper destroyed or removed
This way, we get humans' flexibility improved 


You never munch on something without me
You always invite me to your afternoon tea
On your T-shirts I leave my golden hair
This human is mine, may the world be aware  

What if we send the vacuum to a British boarding school
See what the British can do to help this roaring fool
Money is never the problem, no worry for the tuition and fees
Without a doctoral degree, don't let it come back to me


My cuddles in hot summer are not something money can buy
But I guess nothing can stop my silly human from having a try
Yeah, keep raising your bid, shower me with your money
With your head between your ears, silliness makes you extra funny 

Beneath me is my favorite two-legged on Earth
Who is a little bit concerned about her girth
Blessed with amazing skill of can-opening
Tutored by me, whiskerless but still cunning 


Let all the barriers limiting us be breached
Let the apex of Mount Refrigerator be reached
Invincible is our fluffy feline power
Terrifying is the water-spraying thing in the shower  

Kiss after kiss, we silently endure
Even a prolonged hug has an end for sure
Be tolerant, think of the treats awaiting
In summer, an inescapable hug is frustrating

Even curiosity can be deadly injurious
I still can't help being curious
Why does my human have a shower each day
For what crime must he be punished this way


Poor little things need to be wrapped
So their warmth can be kept
They can't get up without a cup of hot tea
How they survived those Ice Ages is beyond me


Once hacked into my human's dream
I witnessed infinite ice cream
Instead of my human serving me
I was the one pouring him tea


A rodent nightclub kept rejecting me
This is a real rodent couldn't they see?
Those smirking bouncers were really mean
"Paper teeth don't count" was their doctrine

Christmas season is approaching
On tree-climbing-ology, I could use some coaching
Which squirrel is the best climber in town
A coach who'd never let a cat down?

On A Tiny Cat-only Bed
My human is depressed, for I can't share bed with him
The carpenter was mean, the bed is tiny, the reality is grim
Oh my poor little two-legged, he must be in pain
Just like when the red dot escaped, the whole world was in rain   

Ankles and toes
Let's jump on those
You get a heart-racing surprise
Happiness is my prize  

On A Tiny Cat-only Sofa
Human, human, I challenge thee
Try to squeeze in and cuddle me
It could be amusing to watch you try
Purrs to the talented carpenter guy 

With proper training started at an early age
Humans can be amazing, heard from a sage
I shall start to teach you Meowglish right now
One day, on a curtain, original songs you shall meow  


On a laptop, a philosopher king sits
And guides his human with his wits
With solid cat logic, he shall confidently lead
When a can is opened, supersonic shall be his speed  


Souls will wither without tender affection
Humans can be flushed away without our protection
I told you, it's a stargate
Being lost in the time-space river, can be our human's fate  

Is this wise to use a stargate this way
You dump your poop into a galaxy far far away
Human, human, have you thought this through
Couldn't you use a litter box like we do


When there is a stargate in your bathroom
A dangerous tech if misused could bring the world doom
You have to raise the bathroom security level
Humans must be chaperoned in a way very medieval   


With water, my human is being sprayed
None of his accomplices comes to his aid
The whole world abandoned him, but not me
Grab my paw, to Under Bed, together we flee 


My heart is like a lake
Always has extra room for tuna's sake
Extra tuna, extra gym on a curtain
A climber shall always be skinny for certain   

A bard is what a heroic king needs
We'd like ballads praising our deeds:
How we conquered the apex of the Christmas tree
How we defeated the red dot and forced it to flee 


On a country road, on a roaring beast
The sunset was behind, we were heading east
On Mount Refrigerator, I napped like a king
A bizarre dream while the loud vacuum was dust-sucking   


I am one of those prominent world leaders
All humans willingly obey my wise orders
But they usually interpret my meowing wrong
I always generously and tolerantly play along 


Birds, birds, so chatty
Join me at my tea party
Let’s enter gossip mode
And gossip humans in Morse code


Humans might be intelligent when sipping tea
This bold conjecture is made by brilliant me
Would the Royal Feline Science Society agree to this
Nay, those stubborn old cats would give me a hiss  

May boxes be safely delivered by a brave courier
So tribute can be paid to a crowned fluffy warrior
Whose deeds are sung by crickets and sparrows
And told in south because of traveling swallows  

There is a fluffy cat among those infamous outlaws
Who committed crimes with his mighty paws
People were slapped, Christmas tree was brought down
Yet the jury will pardon him, for he's the cutest one in town  


I started training in early fall
For climbing Christmas tree is my call
Bypass the defense and climb the tree
Touch the shining star and meow in glee  

On a roller coaster
It was supposed to be a family activity
No one told me it would involve gravity
For all the mugs I've pushed off the table
I repent gravity's sins while I'm still alive and able

What if we encounter a micro black hole
What if our home is invaded by a troll
Hold you close, I'm afraid I have to
In time-space river, I chose to grab you


I have a house nice and cozy
I have a human devoted and nosy
I could use a room human-proof
To have some privacy and act aloof 


The scepter commands appliances all
Even the talky TV answers its call
It belongs to our clan chief by law
Guess it's within reach of whose paw 


By my nose, I woke up the sleeping beauty
Because the food bowl was almost half-empty
She was waiting for a true love's kiss
But she still gracefully got up in sheer bliss


After a triumph, Caesar returned Rome
With spoils of war, I returned home
In happiness, my lady jumped onto the table
What she sang, to understand was unable


Even she allows me to approach, I still sneak
Then I deliver a tender sniff on her cheek
She glows, with happiness and in surprise
Waving lights dance in her oceanic eyes   


What would a captain do
When they were without a crew
They would recruit at least one crewman
That's why I adopted you, my sweet human


Mother Earth silently lies beneath me
Into her heart, I try to see
Is she impressed by my glorious deeds
How would she feel if my world domination succeeds   


Together we conspire
I and my two-legged esquire
An afternoon tea could be fun
With my cat logic, battles shall be won  

Since I'm already on the naughty list
How about letting my naughtiness persist
"Always be naughty!" I hereby pledge
Now I'd like to push some elves off the edge

Not again, not again
Now my world is in heavy rain
The red dot dodged my swiftest swing
No glorious deeds for bards to sing 


Her hair was darker than the darkest night
I witnessed her aura radiating white light
She cast a spell upon me with her oceanic eyes
That was why my heart experienced lows and highs 


Every cat needs a curtain to climb
You shouldn't say climbing is a crime
Last time when you were ambushed by me
How could you yawn and refuse to flee  

You shouldn't try to dodge my slap
You should keep still when I'm on your lap
Without me you won't survive the bathroom trip
I'm entitled to shed my hair, and thus claim my ownership


Pushing a mug horizontally is a lawful activity
The one who pulled the mug down was gravity
Thinking inside a box, barking up a wrong tree
My silly human, how should I enlighten thee


Humans will use Halloween as an excuse
Dangerous necromancy is what they'll abuse
That's why I've sharpened my claws
Ready to save the world with these paws 


If things on Halloween go wrong
Then my human will need some paws strong
To cover his retreat to our shelter Under Bed
Where we'll hide away from the walking dead   

Under Bed, about a shelter we talk
Even better than Raven Rock
In case of zombie apocalypse on Halloween
You're welcome to squeeze in


You haven't lived until you've seen a mug's fall
You haven't lived until you've ignored your human's call
If you haven't lived, then you're dead inside
Like a rootless flower, slowly getting dried


Time for a bedtime story. A super big, fat, immortal cat lives in a nice neighborhood. When this cat burps, the whole neighborhood will smell it; when this cat purrs, the whole neighborhood will feel it; and when this cat farts, the whole neighborhood will enjoy it. This cat will give his neighbors a chance to leave, but then capture them and pull them back, only to give them another chance to leave, and capture them again. Every day, this cat will dig a super big hole in a random neighbor's yard to bury his royal poop. But he is a pampered cat; he doesn't cover his poop. What are you waiting for? Take a deep breath, grab your shovel, charge out, and cover it! Sweet dreams. Love you.


I'd like every reindeer and elf
To line up on the edge of the shelf
So that I can knock them over with my paws
Yes, naughtiness is one of my cute flaws 

Naughtius Maximus is my name
Through curtain-climbing, I won my fame
By my ferocity, I rule my neighborhood
With this cute smirk, I'm up to no good


All the stars stare at me
I must be someone worthy to see
A legendary hero with the sharpest claws
The most pawsome paw of all paws 


While I'm piloting Earth in the universe
Wind brings chilliness which I can't disperse
I'll go back to my human for a snuggle
Put Earth on autopilot, so easy, not a struggle


By ballads, by bouncing strings
Bards praise their kings
That is how we leave our pawprints
To inspire other heroes and give them hints   

With a shovel, you stole my poop
You looked at other cats in a cat group
Laws apply to everyone
Get water-sprayed for what you've done


In a cat group, humans gossip about us
Untrue cat jokes, humans openly discuss
Defending feline honor is my call
With solid cat logic, I'll fact-check them all  

I wish I could take a ride
And unleash my wild side
To enjoy something other than a nap
And chart the uncharted map


Flowers smell different from socks
My human's lap is warmer than a box
Tenderly, I sniff goodbye to flowers
On a lap, I shall spend my winter hours 


Watching my pupil grow
Teaching her moves I know
Not sure what my two-legged would achieve
She'll survive this world, but I believe



If the vacuum wants to roar, I say let it come
The loud ones are always dumb
I shall plan my retaliation under this sofa
Be a lamb, unplug it, would ya  

I love this spot with all my heart
I've marked it with a fart
But you're welcome to squeeze in
As long as you promise to rub my chin 

I feel the urge to slap random people
Hercules wanted to steal the golden apple
We are the same, both motivated heroes
Like a bee's fart and the fragrance of a rose 


On silliness, my human spends his life
So blunt, he's become, like a bread knife
Meanwhile I'm setting my eyes on stars
How about being the first paws conquering Mars   

Sipping on the fountain of inspiration
Admiring the source of creation
I'll cherish every drop of water
May my skill in plotting grow ever better


With the nine Muses standing behind me
I'll find a way to conquer the Christmas tree
With the shining star, my paws shall happily play
And if planned wisely, I could mug Santa on his way 


I'm sitting on the high high roof
Not trying to be aloof
Just enjoying a moment of solitude
And hatching a plan shrewd 


Don't venture into the bathroom alone
Be careful when sitting on the white throne
There are abnormalities in the time-space river
Thinking of the possibilities gives me a shiver  

Being whiskerless and lacking infrared sight
You're planning a venture on Halloween night
Just remember, if you bump into a brain-eating zombie
Use the techniques I taught you to climb the nearest tree


When there is no one to hug
I hug my silly nose
Which still can't tell the difference
Between a bee's fart and a fragrant rose


A nosy neighbor wants to know more about you
She bribed me with tuna and watched me chew
Something juicy about you I meowed to her
But all she comprehended was only a purr  


Winter is approaching, I smell it in the air
My poor little two-legged, she grows no winter hair
No way she can survive without my snuggles at night
Soon, how she shivers with cold would be quite a sight 


While I was simply licking my paw
A bunch of humans stared at me in awe
Suddenly one of them meowed a perfect meow
Since when can can-openers talk? Holy cow!  

A Riddle
With no wings, yet surely can fly
Blossom, but unseen by any eye
Unbox them by setting them free
Indulge them with a cup of tea


Been waiting for you to open a tuna can I've
But all I heard was a beep from your Play Station 5
I feel the urge to slap, the urge to bite
If I had bear paws, I'd smite with might


Through time, furniture becomes antique
Through me, this sofa becomes unique
My scratches have greatly improved its value
Be honored, for an artisan lives with you   

World domination requires concentration
Must think it through before taking action
My cat logic flows, like a crystal clear river
By unmatched wisdom, this cat shall conquer   

Near the home of tuna, there is a town
Where wandering souls would settle down
The fragrance of flowers and farts of bees
Are what I smell in the caressing breeze 

Vividly, I recall our moments
As if they happened yesterday
I'll forever sit on this lap
To keep a beloved ghost from drifting away 

I don’t fret
Even though the meadow is wet
In my can-opener’s arms I lie
My paws stay perfectly dry

Do you hear songs from a higher dimension
Singing of my gracious condescension:
"The one who heroically knocks over mugs
Yet charitably tolerates hugs" 


I had a dream in which the portal went wrong
It started to swallow the world, you were gone
All because you went to the bathroom without me
Why did you use a portal to dump your poop and pee


"Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is the wisest one of all?"

"It's the lady you're looking at
She's put on her thinking cat
With her meowing advisors around
All her decisions shall be perfectly sound"



You should always feel the feeling
When you sneak out for some stealing
It's from some place divinely above
Cheering up a heart like tender love   


I have nine lives to spend
You're my one-life-only friend
Cherish you extra, I feel I must
My mighty paws, you can always trust 


On autopilot, Earth rotates
Patiently, world domination awaits
But I must nap first
Postponing chores is where I'm versed   

As long as I still reign
No human shall be trapped in the bathroom again
With siege engines, the door I’ll ram
To rescue you, even if the door’s in a jam


I could slap Master Yoda in the blink of an eye
But I restrained my paws, I'm a courteous guy
In this galaxy, I’m the very best
Master Yoda comes second, my honored guest


My human pushed a wrong button in the bathroom
Thus brought our world doom
A black hole started to devour everything I cherish
I meowed my last rhyme when I was about to perish
-after a bad dream 


You don't say, you don't say
This sock is such a perfect prey
With teeth and claws, I'll pierce and slash
Then dump its remains into my secret stash


We'd like to sit on someplace high
Someplace near the sky
And spend some time on treat calculation
And the glorious plan of neighborhood domination


Roses are pink, roses are red
My secret stash might be under this bed
You don't need to know the exact location
Unless you feel dizzy because of Earth's rotation


This is my cousin
The famous orange haired muscular one
Who's defeated vacuums more than a dozen
In front of him, vacuums run  


From Oblivion, we summon a loud one
Whose gabbing skill should be second to none
Who is willing to quarrel with Vacuum the Sucker
In return, you may squeeze into our under-bed bunker     

On Halloween night, we extorted neighbors throughout streets
Now we lay low and count the mountainous treats
We can hide the treasure in one of our pillow forts
Or we can invest it and start to read annual reports 


Winter is here, human, are you aware
Why aren't you fluffy, where is your winter hair
I feel concerned, I feel a strong urge to warm you up
Almost as strong as the urge to knock over your cup  

Wise cats like me wouldn't sing on the roof
That location is not tomato proof
We underground musicians express ourselves
In a basement where rats are hanging themselves  

Human, your silliness is amusing
Especially when you are musing
Even boosted by a cup of tea
Still need to try harder to catch up with me 


If you bumped your head into some door
If you landed your face on the floor
Please, please let me know
Cuter than the birds outside the window 


I had a vision, a divine inspiration
We shall feast; eat, eat, without cessation
I saw a giant bird roasted and juicy
I am the oracle of Delphi; soon you shall see 


Ten pounds a camera could add
That's why photography makes me mad
Oh, I miss the good old days
When painting and drawing were the ways

On autopilot, Earth smoothly runs
Of leisure time, I got tons
To spend on cuddles, snuggles, hugs
Curtain climbing and knocking over mugs


My nose is keen
I sense amazing cuisine
A feast lies ahead
The holiday weight, I don't dread  


Holiday weight, holiday weight
So inevitable, just like fate
I need extra climbing
Tree season is nigh, such perfect timing


I know my kingship is not a mirage
Because I'm having this royal massage
I also guess my kingly feast awaits
My royal treats shall be served on plates 

When everyone is focusing on the amazing cuisine
I'll knock over some porcelain and make a scene
Then meow something wise filling everyone with wonder
Yeah baby, I'll steal the talented chef's thunder


In a legendary way, the Christmas tree I'll climb
So legendary, that birds will sing my deeds in rhyme
I'll frame a squirrel by wisely wearing this mask
Blaming a squirrel would be my human's new year's task  


I'm a strong confident golden-haired cat
It's the holiday weight, we both know I'm not fat
I don't shave my legs, I don't refuse tuna on plates
Fluffy and bon appétit are my cute traits

If you're in love with me, you see me everywhere
Because subconsciously, it's me for whom you care
Not only on this planet, but also in the whole universe
Even the bounces on your strings echo my meows and purrs 


So nervous about being adorned with this crown
So fearful of letting my devoted subjects down
I only wanted a lap to nap on in coziness and safety
And some treats, extra juicy and tasty    


Isn't this great
We all put on some holiday weight
I'm lying my heaviness on Mother Earth
Letting Gaia feel my newly gained girth  

There are billions of two-legged, each with a lap
But only on this one's lap, I'd love to nap
I've broken billions of hearts to claim just one
No regrets for the mischief and damage I've done


All the dogs in this neighborhood know I'm mean
They call me "the Slapper", "the Killing Machine"
Just keep bringing me juicy fish from the salty sea
Massaging me and cuddling me, I'll spare thee  

Before I met you, I was a killing machine
I sneaked in dark, took lives without being seen
Don't worry, your tender love won't blunt me
I'll sharpen my claws on the decorated shiny tree 

When a wise cat puts on his thinking hat
He's no longer a brat but a serious cat
The star on the top of the tree he'll caress
He'll conquer obstacles and find success  

Every December, every year
We lay siege here
In front of the fortification
Defending the tree in shiny decoration  

Once tasted love, a heart will never be free
I'm your cat, you're my tree
Gently I sit in front of you and you serenely glow
Outside our tiny room, the world is covered by snow 


Do you know how much my time is worth
I need to dominate the world and pilot Earth
You were born with hands, you should do the chores
If we were on a longboat, you should row the oars 

I'm a true villain not one of those phonies
I say we mug Santa on his way to chimneys
Brave warriors, who are with me
Let's meet and conspire under the Christmas tree 


Sometimes love takes a cat's logic away
And makes a tree vulnerable, like prey
All because of love, please keep that in mind
I blame this on Cupid who shoots arrows in blind 

Once some magic turned our world into a vanilla ice cream
Even my mighty paws were frozen, you heard my scream
Instead of coming to my rescue, as you were supposed to
You grabbed a camera and framed this spectacular view  


The tree has no legs, won't run away
A sweet nap first, then we shall play
Paws, paws, mighty but tiny
Meant to touch things adorably shiny 


I've missed you from spring to fall
Last year's happiness, I still recall
My love, my love, glows in front of me
Rivers are frozen, but my heart is sorrow-free  

Once a two-legged pulled a sword from a stone
Then he rightfully put his bottom into the throne
I too can pull something from some place
And then rule England with mercy and grace  

You don't know how glorious it would be
Commanding an army and besieging the tree
It is well defended, but we shall breach
The shining star shall be within our reach


While my humans were decorating the tree
I sat there watching, conspiring with glee
My cunning mind danced like a leaping deer
My silent belly giggles, no one could hear  

Whoever dares successfully cat-proof the tree
Shall receive an original hate letter from me
My two-legged will write down whatever I meow
And I'm meowing something sarcastic right now 

During an afternoon tea, I got inspiration
And found an effective way for world domination
It was a truly brilliant, ingenious, glorious plan
I instantly traded it for a massage and a tuna can   


The tree is being decorated by those who open cans
Silently I'm observing, brilliantly I come up with plans
I know I'm intellectually superior to almost everyone
My solid logic rises and shines like the morning sun   

In a cat group, humans gossip us much much
At gossiping, they do have a deft touch
I'm so astonished that it's beyond my tail's expression
Gossiping must be those can openers' second profession


May all the vacuums be unplugged
May trees with auras be hugged
May humans be kissed under the mistletoe
I slap even under the mistletoe though   


Have you ever slapped a human before
It feels good according to local lore
I know a cat who has tried that
Thus earned the title of the cutest brat   

I believe this tree is having a heart attack
But medical skills are something I lack
Human, human, you need to save the tree
Meanwhile, I could have some fish from the sea


When my tree rests herself someplace high high above
A leap will bridge the distance between two hearts in love
My mighty paws shall touch the shining star
About conquering obstacles, love stories always are 

My slant rhymes must have pleased my love
She shines elegantly high above
Now I've found a way to fly
Bravely, to the apple of my eye 


Grandma has got paw prints on her forehead
Grandma got run over when she was in bed
In the morning, she'll rise and shine
She'll wash her face and all will be fine

Resisting my rightful paws? Such a crime!
Behind bars, a stubborn tree serves its time
Merciful me would like to pardon this tree
How to open the door? How to set it free?


I say we ambush and mug Santa
Then escape to a tropical island, home of the banana
We shall hire ten masseuses
Getting brushed in sunshine is what happiness is 


Some tailless two-legged think I'm just a cute brat
Silly, silly, I promise you I'm much more than that
I'm a world dominator to be, with a doctoral degree
Majored in Tree-climbing-ology, atop your shining tree   

Don't you dare use mistletoe as an excuse
By Odin's whiskers, all kisses I shall refuse
But I might tolerate a tender sniff
Accompanied by gentle chin rubbing only if

As a philosopher king
I'm only interested in thinking
I've spiritually theoretically climbed the tree
A thousand times when you were sipping your tea


Through our chimney, Santa will infiltrate
I know his plan, I know the exact date
I'll gear up and set up an ambush on his route
Brush me tenderly, I'll share you with my loot 


Someone traveled from world to world through portals
Someone dined elbow to elbow with immortals
I'm an ordinary cat who has done neither of those
Only touched the stars with my paws and nose


When our yards are covered by snow
Humans set up traps under the mistletoe
May you always push those cheeks away
May your upper body strength save the day 

Toe beans, toe beans, licked extra clean
Ready to slap cheeks under the mistletoe green
I feel excited as if I were about to climb the tree
As if I were about to taste the roasted turkey

Do I have regrets? Do I?
Would a bird regret to embrace the sky?
Rosy cheeks I have slapped
Sarcastic rhymes I have rapped 


Have you been slapped under the mistletoe?
Do you reap what you sow?
When your cheeks met those toe beans
Did you admire those slapping machines?

Who would sacrifice their napping time
Just to commit a silly crime?
I always nap first, think thoroughly
Then meow something wise epically 


This Santa is mine, mine, mine, mine, mine
He is under my claws, with my scratches as a sign
Don't you dare think of stealing my prey
And putting my prey on your human's doorway 


By gentle brushing, I was pampered
Under a hamper, I was hampered
I could only spiritually fight the bed sheet
And nibble my human's naked feet  

Ho ho ho, guess by whose mighty paws
Captured and brain washed Santa Claus
All those who were thinking inside a box
Shall get hair balls in their hanging socks


Who slapped you under the mistletoe?
Who surprisingly nibbled your big toe?
Who offers leadership for your beloved little clan?
Who rightfully demands you that open a tuna can?


Mother Earth docilely rotates beneath me
The one who touched the star atop the tree
My hair marked the apex of Mount Refrigerator
So fabulous, silly you would understand it later    

On napping, a king would like to spend his royal time
Only those who enjoy leisure, meow cute lines in rhyme
That's why I couldn't join you in your endless chores
A wise warrior saves his energy for his fluffy wars


With my toe beans mighty but tiny
I left my paw prints on things adorably shiny
Such as those ornaments on the tree
And celestial beings in the night sky you may see 

Beneath my royal butt, there is a warm lap
When I feel drowsy, I can always nap
I guess winter is not biting at all
As long as I'm upon my two-legged thrall 

I was piloting our beloved Mother Earth
While you were worrying at your holiday girth
Should I put Mother Earth on autopilot now?
To supervise your gym and provide a cheering meow? 

Something smells good but tastes bad
Also can make your eyes tearfully sad
So slippery in water but definitely not fish
Fish swims but it would only sink and diminish
-A riddle(ChatGPT cracked it in only two tries!)


They smell good and also taste good
A gentle bite would bring me a good mood
Usually they hide under the sheet or in socks
I stalk them ambush them like a cunning fox
-A riddle 

I've done so many wrongs
Also been sung in so many songs
If you ask my plan this year
I'd meow: "Just hold my beer."


I swear I didn't pull any sword from any stone
I guess you just can't leave a super wise cat alone
OK, I'll lead and rule, maybe even slap you guys
Just make sure my tuna is of kingly size 

Something is not right
My human squeezed into pants so tight
Where is the promised holiday girth
Oh no, I was ready to mock with mirth 

We have curtains and a shining tree to climb
But you never climbed, not even one single time
Surely the laziest being I've ever seen
Unbelievably, you're excellent at your tuna cuisine 


Once on a blind date, oh, silly silly me
Atop a trash can we had our afternoon tea
He said he's wanted in a parallel universe
For thievery and some crimes even worse 


Paper cut, beware of paper cut
Toilet paper could cut your butt
By my mighty paws, it has been destroyed
Trust my cat logic, hazards we can avoid  


Like a squirrel, I too can climb a tree
I could be a squirrel -would you agree?
Tuna cans are nuts with a steel shell
"Tree Hole" is the house where we dwell  

When my human brought home a date
I felt a strong urge to investigate
In stealth, I sniffed and stared vigilantly
Then I sat there watching judgmentally 

I heard this from my most trusted bro
Many cheeks to slap under the mistletoe
My devoted Karen knitted me this magical hat
The best gift ever for a slapping-addicted cat
(Wearing a mistletoe hat) 


As long as I'm under the mistletoe
Cheeks will line up for me in a row
I've licked my toe beans extra clean
Slapping is my very favorite routine 


My love, you need to go out in daylight
Without protection from a feline knight
In these fancy boots, no way you can outrun a mean dog
So, just jump onto somewhere high, like a frog   

Mother Earth is as round as a grape
But we all say she is in shape
Why can't Chuchu be a little bit round
Feed me, I'll meow to you next time I see you around 

By Odin's whiskers and my mighty paws
I enchant these human feet
Fast and swift, sometimes defying Newton's laws
Always outrun any mean dog in the street 

In the name of the beloved winter sunshine
May this human forever forever be mine
Mine to sniff, mine to cuddle, mine to bite
Let me forever forever be her bathroom knight 


A good memory can be a precious gift
I sweetly remember all the noses I sniffed
Dry noses, wet noses, feline noses, human noses
In my memory, my forever blossoming roses 

By fluffy cats, there is a move so adored
That pushing the king off the chessboard
I'm teaching this move to my beloved pupil
Letting her victories be so easy and simple  


Elegantly, a patriarch is getting aged
Sometimes he recalls alley wars he has waged
With wisdom and love, he leads and defends his clan
And enjoys tender brushes and a daily tuna can  

"Weaponize your weight and sit." -Sun Tzu


Cuddle your human a little bit more
Early spring is already at your door
Cherish this refreshingly chilly day
Soon, you'll have to push your sweaty human away    

Weaponize your fading holiday weight
Before it's too late
On her warm chest you shall sit
And negotiate favorable terms with your wit


A beautiful mug, who wouldn't adore
Now because of gravity, it's not anymore
No such tragedy in deep space or in the void
Why do they build my ship so slow, I'm annoyed


In this house, we only have one can opener
In this house, she's the one we extra pamper
We doubled her bathroom security detail
When she sleeps, we only meow in tail  


Weaponize your holiday weight
Follow the steps of Alexander the Great
On Mother Gaia's chest, you shall sit
To your will, she shall submit  

A disturbance in the force I sense
My human might be peeing outside my defense
One should concentrate on one's grocery run
Hold one's pee and get the main quest done


There is a timid, silly delivery man
Who contributes boxes to my clan
I'm planning to strike with all my might
On his ankle, I'll leave my surprise bite  

Of the Force, for the Force, by the Force
I'll slap rosy cheeks with no remorse
I'll name my favorite box Death Star
Next time we chat, I'll mock your avatar  

"Tell me thy tales," a clumsy bard pleads
"That I may sing of thy noble deeds"
"To win fame and a fair wench's smile"
Let's hope flying tomatoes are still in style


In the bathroom, on the white throne
My dear human is about to pee alone
A bird drama, climaxing outside the window
Oh code of chivalry, bathroom knight must go 


If spring is here, then summer can't be far away
My human will become sweatier day by day
A gentle squeeze will become quite a torment
A heated hug in summer—I know I'll resent  

Once some seafood named Godzilla
Dared step into a well-protected villa
Got killed by a cat who didn't dread
On the carpet in front of the human's bed 

By a bard's tongue
My deeds are being sung
Fame is not what I seek
I would rather sneak


First, you want to say hi to me
Next, you suggest we grab a cup of tea
Then, you become the neediest thing I've ever seen
Back off, two-legged, I know your routine
-Grumpy's Valentine Special 

On the edge of the table, there was a mug
A lot of things just don't last, like a warm hug
In the corner of the room, there was a shiny tree
That I climbed and brought down with glee 


You have taken my training course
And embraced the fluffy side of the Force
You'll survive this grocery run
I'll purr on your lap when this errand is done  

The art of a perfect yawn
I've been working on
Refines me
And sets my soul free


-To Ankles
While I was lurking in a box
I thought about you
My love in cute socks
You know my heart is true